Friday, March 25, 2016


-Where did we leave off? 
Oh yeah, that's right, I seem to remember now.

I thought that growing up would take place one day at a time, but it doesn't. You wake up and feel displaced in your own life; and then it happens. The feeling of something closing in fast, catching up to you. It hits you with such a force that you reel back in surprise.

-Well then.

I feel like everything is where it's supposed to be. The challenges before me I enjoy, but somehow I still end up with enough time to wander back here. At one point I became a master at the art of killing time. You read a book enough times, you wander the city over and over, listen to those around you and their complaints. Before you know it you're a pro. Make your life fit the big picture in your head. Yet the seconds slip through, they pile up, and here we are.


Now, life is fuller, simpler but simultaneously more complex. Maybe I'm just full of shit, deluding myself into thinking like this. I lay awake and felt that I was dreaming. I slept and felt the world move around me. Foolishly, I went looking for traces of you, and found them.

-Fucking productive.

This'll do for now,

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